Sunday, June 16, 2013

Journey to the Savior: Faith Walk

If you've ever had the opportunity to attend an LDS Girl's Camp, you may have enjoyed a Faith Walk.  I hadn't even participated in a Faith Walk until I went back to camp as an adult leader.  The premise is that the girls are led in the evening time to various "stations" to meet with someone who will retell or share a faith-promoting story or experience.

To make the biggest impact, the girls are instructed beforehand, there is to be no talking during their walk.  Additionally, only a handful of leaders or girls are given a lantern to carry.  You want to make sure there is enough light to be safe, but dark enough to avoid distractions.  Often times, our faith walks began at dusk.

Lanterns (like pictured above) may also be strategically placed along the walk to assist those on the journey. You could also make something like this ahead of time for the leaders to carry, or if preferred, one for each girl.

Remember, the idea is to create a spiritual ambiance, not a spooky one!

After the first year of participating in a faith walk, I found myself being called as the camp director for the next summer.  I definitely wanted to have the girls participate in something like that again, although a quick search in google left me hard-pressed for new ideas for a Faith Walk.  (In the one we did, it was meeting "Women of Value", aka characters of women in history who represented each value, i.e., Joan of Arc, Sacajawea, etc.)   

I found I was left to my own devices, and after praying at great lengths, felt I needed to provide an opportunity for the girls to get to know our Savior better.  As soon as the idea hit, the rest just came to me.  

Journey of the Savior is a faith walk in which the young women can meet those who knew the Savior and hear accounts of how He impacted their life.  The final scene they come upon is a reenactment of the Savior, during His final hours, praying in the garden of Gethsemane.  It was quite a sight to see, and all who were there were touched.

I'm pleased that over these past few years, my google searches have turned up more ideas for Faith Walks, as they seem to be catching on.  I wrote about our girls' experience on my personal blog, and I'm sure it was a Google search that has led others to send me messages requesting a copy of my Journey to the Savior Faith Walk.    

So, FINALLY, no more having to ask and wait. {{Click here to download Journey to the Savior pdf}}

Good luck!  Let me know how it goes!  :)