Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ward Campout

Who: All Ages
Objective: Enjoy Nature, friendshipping, fellowshipping, fun!
Budget: $200

Set-Up: Because of the increase in cost of food, we ended up going to a much cheaper campground this year. The bishop & his wife made his famous "Mountain Man Breakfast", which is basically a skillet type breakfast made in a dutch oven. We also arranged for someone to bring firewood, as we had some members with a tree they cut down in their back yard. Free fire wood is always a plus. Basically, the activity committee members got up there before everyone else so they could put up directional signs, etc.

Special Instructions: In years past we had organized games for the kids, etc. But this year, since it was a new campground for us, we weren't sure what to expect. I found a few tubes of glow sticks so I got those for really cheap. and of course, we had s'mores. Many chose to go on a "hike" (nature walk) on a nearby small trail. When they got back we gave the kids their glow stick and made s'mores. The glow sticks were probably the best investment, as it provided hours of entertainment for them. we found a tube of glow sticks 100 for $8.

Turn-Out: we had about 50 people come, which about typical for our ward. We usually have between 50 and 75.


  1. I should just email you but I found this first. This event analysis comes from a person not in charge and asked only to get the primary kids to sing Away in a Manger as angels. One quick suggestion have a run through with people who are playing parts in a program - things were a little choppy because it was a dry run as well as performance. Getting ahead of myself. Families came with canned goods for taxes. After paying taxes in a side room and signing the "census" every member of the family was given a bag of coins - pennies (10 or so) then off to another classroom where we received some "gold" and looked at nativities, 3rd room had an explanation of the temple in Jerusalem and frankincense, 4th room 2 min activity about Christmas symbols then into the "market place. They used flea market style tents for food stuffs. Families were told to stay together and there were Roman centurions who would take coins from anyone not with their family. There were Inn's set up for the older ones who did not sit on the floor and people were told to bring lawn chairs if they wanted them. Our activities chairs asked people who might not otherwise come to help with a booth to get them there and involved. Clever. I was full at the end of "dinner" and Caesar (Bishop) told the people he was feeling generous about half way through the meal and that all food was free. Start out paying and then a generous Caesar means eat until its gone. We had leftovers. Leave plenty of time though so families can get from "stall to stall" without feeling rushed. After dinner was the program. Live cast of the Nativity crew while a Narrator read with a song in between each reading. It wasn't more than 30 min to get through all of it. There was a stage set up in the chapel and people sat on their blankets or chairs farther back and that made things look really good. The turn out wasn't as big as it could have been and there were the usual sticks in the mud who don't like change or creativity but then they'd find fault with anything. I loved this activity and the kids all wanted to do it again. I think I answered most of your questions. Hope this is helpful. Good luck! I think it would be worth the work and very memorable.

  2. Wow, i'm the first follower!
    Have a happy New Year, Emma!


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